About the College

The college is home to the many communities that define the State of Sandus and make up our culture.

Flag of the Collegium Sacerdotum
The design represents the many parallel paths of sanctity that exist in our micronation.

Our Mission

The Collegium Sacerdotum is charged with a variety of prerogatives according to the 2021 royal charter. The college is the national institution of culture and cultural leisure as a state enterprise of the State of Sandus. Charged with representing the cultural, religious, and philosophical communities in Sandus, we also play a key role in the development and perpetuation of Sandum culture. We take seriously our role in advancing the quality of life of Sandum citizens and in standing as the vanguard of both Sancta culture and the Sandum philosophy.

Our History

Formed on 28 May 2011, the Collegium Sacerdotum is the oldest organisation in the history of the State of Sandus and has, since its foundation, been our micronation’s foremost cultural vanguard. Its name means “the College of Priests,” a reference to its role as being the centre of religious and philosophical life in Sandus. In February 2021, the college received its new royal charter that charted a new course in the college’s second decade.

The college has played an outsized role in the creation of Sandum culture since its foundation in May 2011. Under the vision of the Sôgmô, who is the leader of the college as the Flamen Minervalis, the college was influential especially in the creation of Sancta culture. First envisioned as a culture that is wholly and intentionally Sandum and inspired by the world around us and its history, Sancta culture has also become pluralistic and representative of the Sandum People who make up our micronation.

In June 2014, the Sôgmô issued a collegiate bylaw to create a new category of organisations within the college, called sodalitates in Latin. These sodalities have allowed the college to develop diverse, community-specific programs for many of Sandus’s religious and philosophical communities.

Today, the Collegium Sacerdotum works on promoting Sandum culture through a variety of member-led cultural events, nearly half a dozen sodalities, and over 300 cultural holidays.

The college’s emblem, representing our shared community as the Sandum People

Our Organisation

The Collegium Sacerdotum is made up of members known as sacerdotes, or “sacred doers.” Select members also serve as the flamines or priests of particular religious, philosophical, and/or cultural traditions who are tasked with representing and taking charge of those traditions in the college as a whole. The college is also made up of smaller organisations called sodalities, an association or club that represents members’ traditions and interests. Sodalities are led by flamines majores.

Today, we have five sodalities and four flamines representing different cultural and religious traditions. One flamen serves without a sodality as a flamen minor.

  • Ecclesia Sanda
  • Sangha Sandus
  • Sodalitas Sanctis Faciundis
  • Cultus Minervae
  • Conventus Linguarum

Do you want to become a member of the college?

Contact us below to become a member today. We welcome everyone without regard for Sandum citizenship or religion.